Can you use an air purifier and humidifier together?

Can you use an air purifier and humidifier together? The answer may surprise you! But before we proceed to giving you an answer, lets see what they are can both do.
A humidifier and air purifier both serve the purpose of making your indoor air healthier, but these two devices often work in different ways. While the action of an air purifier is to remove particles by trapping them in its mesh filter, a humidifier doesn’t trap particles and instead blows them into the air, where they evaporate and turn into water vapour.
Many people wonder whether or not they can use a humidifier and an air purifier together to achieve the best of both worlds — cleaner air with a more comfortable humidity level.
While you may be tempted to do this, it’s not recommended that you do so. It’s worth explaining why these two devices can’t work well together, as well as outlining some options you have instead if you want cleaner indoor air and more humidity in your home.
What do they do?

An air filter and humidifier serve two different functions: Purifiers remove harmful particles from the air, while humidifiers increase moisture content in dry spaces. If you’re struggling with a stuffy room, a purifier and humidifier can provide double protection for your comfort and health. However, it’s important to use them together rather than individually. Here are three benefits of using both together.
Using an Air Purifier Alone?
An air purifier alone can help with common household problems, such as pet hair, dust and even odours, but it’s not quite enough for those suffering from allergies or asthma.
An air purifier does not handle airborne irritants like pollen; instead, it filters particles in a room and removes contaminants from surfaces. Add a humidifier to your room and you get additional benefits like soothing moisture that can clear stuffy noses.
Do air purifiers help with stuffy rooms?
Many air purifiers don’t do much to help you breathe better, especially if you have a stuffy nose. Instead, they can sometimes cause even more trouble because they draw humidity into your room, causing your nose to run even more.
If you add a humidifier to your room, it could exacerbate matters and make things worse by making everything just a little bit stickier. Do air purifiers help with stuffy rooms? Perhaps not. At least not as you might expect them to.
Using a Humidifier with Air Purifier: How to Use Them Together

A lot of people ask if they can use a humidifier with their air purifiers. The answer is yes—but be careful when using these two appliances together.
Air purifiers and humidifiers can be used together for certain benefits, but there are also drawbacks to having both in your home or business. Before you start using them together, it’s important to understand how each appliance works and what kinds of problems you might encounter by combining them.
Here’s what you need to know about using an air purifier with a humidifier: Air purifiers work by filtering out airborne pollutants such as dust, pollen, pet dander and more. They work best when paired with a HEPA filter (High-Efficiency Particulate Air), which helps eliminate small particles from the air before they have time to settle on surfaces or get stuck in your lungs.
While HEPA filters alone do not remove moisture from indoor air, pairing one with a humidifier will help keep bacteria from growing on surfaces such as countertops and furniture. This helps prevent dust mites and other allergens from settling on these surfaces.
However, while humidifiers help add moisture back into dry indoor air, they don’t cleanse it of pollutants.
So if you already have an air purifier installed in your home or office, adding a humidifier may make matters worse. If you already have an existing allergy problem, adding a humidifier to your room could cause additional issues that weren’t previously present.
Side Effects of Using Them Together
Many people use humidifiers to keep their skin from drying out during the cold winter months. If you have dry skin, a humidifier can help.
However, if you are using a humidifier in conjunction with an air purifier, there is a possibility that it could cause your skin to become too oily. The reason for this is that air purifiers remove dust particles from the air; these dust particles contain oil that gets released into your room when they are removed by your air purifier.
When you add a humidifier to the equation, these dust particles will be reintroduced into your environment and end up on your skin. This means that not only will you be dealing with dry skin but also oily skin.
To avoid having both problems at once, try switching off between using each device or removing one altogether until you no longer need it.
Conclusion: can you use an air purifier and humidifier together?
Many people have found that by pairing these two devices they can get better results than either device alone. For example, if you live in a dry climate or area where pollen is common then using both a humidifier and air purifier will help relieve symptoms like coughing and sneezing as well as improve overall comfort levels in your home.
In case you find this article helpful, you may also want to take at the Air purifier and humidifier difference which has been discovered based on true findings and research.